Prof Umar Ibrahim Vadillo
Umar Ibrahim Vadillo was born in 1964. After attending the Augustinian College in Navarre he went to study agronomy at the University of Madrid. While still at university he embraced Islam. There followed a long period of study applying the commercial parameters defined in Islam’s founding legal document Imam Malik’s Al Muwatta, to modern financial practice. This led to his studies on Zakat, which implied the necessary use of the Islamic Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. He has lectured extensively in various universities, notably in Morocco, Malaysia and Indonesia.
His promotion of an Islamic real wealth currency was adopted by Dr. Erbakan, Turkish Prime Minister until deposed, as well as the late King Hassan II of Morocco who undertook to restore Zakat to its correct legal position, just before his death. Umar Ibrahim Vadillo’s study of Dinar-based finance was used as a working paper by Dr. Mahathir, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is currently engaged in promoting the issue in Indonesia . He resides in Cape Town, South Africa.
Sistem ekonomi dunia lebih menguntungkan negara barat. Dunia ketiga (sebutan dunia ke tiga adalah terminologi yang dibuat dari sudut pandangan kapitalis) dan masyarakat miskin akan terus terpinggir. Bagaimana Islam menyelesaikan ketidakadilan ini?